secure online document storage

From individuals to businesses, everyone these days needs a secure, straightforward system for keeping track of their documents. Surprisingly, setting up a document storage system is far easier than most people think.

If you’re familiar with popular file sharing services like Dropbox or Google Drive, it’s clear that you’re already interested in keeping your files both available and organized. The problem with these services, though, is simply a lack of security. 

For those of us who are concerned with the safety of our information, nothing beats a secure document storage service. These affordable services provide the simplicity and convenience of file sharing services with a much higher level of privacy and security than any of their free competitors.

Here are just a few reasons why using a service like SecureDocs can save you time and money, and provide extra peace of mind.


People too easily fall into the trap of using inferior, free services over affordable services that actually do the job right. When it comes to the security of your corporate information and personal data, this can be a costly mistake.

Unlike other virtual data room providers, SecureDocs has an entire security suite as opposed to just a single feature. It all comes down to what makes your data safer. File sharing sites don’t offer document watermarking or customizable non-disclosure agreements and often allow back-end access to your documents. SecureDocs covers all those bases, in addition to two-factor authentication, view only mode for added protection, and audit logs for admins. 

These, combined with the common features that all data encryption and certified data centers use, make for robust protection against identity theft, hacking, and unauthorized access to your files and information.

SecureDocs has annual and quarterly payment plans including:

  • Unlimited users

  • Unlimited data storage

  • Dedicated customer support

For those who worry about the unexpected fees that can accompany data services, SecureDocs also conveniently offers transparent pricing on its site, outlining the full set of features available.

So, how does all this affect the bottom line, cost-wise? In the end, when you put the hassle and potential costs of insecure data up against the low, flat-rate pricing of SecureDocs, the financial benefit is clear. For $250 per month for an annual plan, your organization is guaranteed a complete feature set, including two-factor authentication, but more importantly, peace of mind.

Set-Up Simplicity

Security is crucial, but time is money. A service that’s difficult or time-consuming to set up can cost you both. SecureDocs is clear on this point, and makes the process of setup streamlined and simple.

Whether transferring information from a solution with fewer security features like DropBox or setting up an entirely new system, SecureDocs is, above all else, easy-to-use. You can literally download your entire folder structure from sites like DropBox and drag it into SecureDocs.

Don’t have an existing folder structure already? SecureDocs offers the ability to easily create one, with quick bulk uploads and downloads from your computer.

The set-up process takes about 15 minutes, without any need to talk to sales representatives. That’s lightening fast, especially considering the many benefits you gain from the service.

Ease of Use

Many users who switched to SecureDocs started with an alternate service: either another data room or a file sharing service. When they first began to store their documents, they knew they needed to share their information online, so a free service felt like the right choice.

Fast-forward a few weeks or months into the process, users start to feel frustrated by certain features that are clearly missing from their service.

For other online document storage sites, it can be ease of use or setup. SecureDocs offers Drag & Drop documents and folders that are up in minutes, and a Quick Search field that allows users to easily find other users, as well as their documents. And in the end, when people are trying to get up and running quickly, simple features like drag and drop with automatic indexing stand out.

For customers coming from other data rooms, the added ease often comes from, among other features, the transparency of SecureDocs pricing. The flat rate keeps customers from having to worry about keeping track of their plans and usage.

Why It’s Worth It

All the benefits listed above are great, but the final and most important reason for using SecureDocs is right in the name: security.

For the everyday user, it isn’t always easy to understand what features make our documents secure and what vulnerabilities put our information at risk. The following list offers a glimpse into some of the SecureDocs security features and why they’re important:

Protection for Your Intellectual Property, Patents and Corporate Information

Most companies use non-disclosure agreements to protect their information. And while those agreements give companies recourse IF their information is stolen, they do little to protect the data in the first place.

Data rooms, on the other hand, protect your information up front. This doesn’t mean that NDAs aren’t important, of course, but that they should be part of a larger data security strategy like SecureDocs offers.

As for how it all works, SecureDocs has matrix of features that work together to keep your information safer than an NDA alone ever could.

  • First, the virtual data room contains a snapshot of your company’s proprietary documentation, safeguarding this information while making it accessible, too, which is the best of both worlds.

  • A View-only functionality feature for PDF & MS Office Docs means that people can view your documents, but aren’t allowed to change, edit or download them to their own devices.

  • Dynamic Watermarking means that your documents are always identified as your property. It also includes the name of the person viewing the document, so if illegally captured, you will be sure who did it.

  • The End to End Data Encryption safeguards your information both when it’s sent AND when it’s received. This is important, since it’s easy to secure your own system, but much more difficult to gauge the security of your documents’ recipients.

Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication is a phrase that’s thrown around a lot, but people might not understand what it is or why it’s important. Simply put, two-factor authentication is a step beyond passwords, requiring you to combine a password with an SMS code to gain access to sensitive information. The SecureDocs system of authentication is highly effective protection against cyber security attacks, making it virtually impossible for an intruder to gain access to your private information, even if they have the correct email address and password.

And for those users who regularly work on the same, secure devices, SecureDocs remembers your information for up to 30 days, so you don’t have to take time to enter an SMS code daily. 


Intellectual property is a hot topic, and the Internet has made it incredibly easy to share and pass on documents and information without any attribution. What this means is that your hard-earned information, intellectual property, strategies, and documents could end up in the wrong hands, and no one would even know it was yours to begin with. 

SecureDocs offers a solution for this in the form of document watermarking. A unique virtual stamp makes sure that your data is marked with the name of anyone who sees, handles, or deals with your information, so if a data leak occurs the perpetrator can be located immediately, and you can take proper actions to reclaim your information.

Data Encryption

Even if you do your best to secure your networks and files, without vigorous encryption your documents are potentially vulnerable at many points. When sharing sensitive data, files are susceptible to cyber attacks both in transit and once they end up on potentially unsecured computers or devices. With most file sharing, there’s no control once those files are in another’s possession.

SecureDocs, on the other hand, offers data encryption at both the sending and receiving end of file sharing, ensuring that any security vulnerabilities of file sharing are completely shored up. Users can feel certain that just because they’re not in charge of others’ networks, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t protection for their files – no matter where they send them.

In the end, those who try to save a little money by using free file sharing services often end up spending far more when their precious information, files, or intellectual property are stolen or shared without permission.

Securing your data from the start with SecureDocs isn’t just a money saver in the end, it’s also a fast, efficient, and simple way to protect your business from online vulnerabilities.

The fifteen minutes it takes to fully set up a SecureDocs system, along with its ease of use and incomparable security features—makes it the right choice for those just starting to store their files or for those making the switch from file sharing services or other data rooms.

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