Investor pitch

If you are trying raising money for your business an effective pitchdeck is a vital component in your fundraising toolkit. It can excite potential investors about your idea hopefully leading to investment. However,  investors see tons of pitch decks- and if your pitch deck is boring, it's likely that potential investors wil show you the door.


One of the primary goals of your pitch deck is to present the problem your company solves. If you fail to present this issue correctly, you most certainly won't illicit the faith of the investors in your business idea. Create an emotional connection with the investors through a story and images. Make sure they feel the pain and how your solution solves the problem. Below are some tips of what to do to make your pitch deck more appealing. 


TELL A STORY: Choosing the right story to tell, backed up by accurate and realistic data from your company and you market validation, will spice up your pitch deck making it more appealing to investors. Tell stories about your potential customer's experience and the problems they encounter and how you are planning to solve them. Don’t just state the facts, but rather focus on grabbing the interest of investors.


Talk about the customer’s opinion on your proposed product or services and their expectations. It will make your pitch look promising to investors.


KEEP IT SIMPLE AND SHORT: A straight-forward pitch deck does better compared to long, detailed ones. Convey your ideas succinctly and leave room for investors to ask questions.


SKIP THE BULLETS: Slides that are full of bullet points are boring, and they don’t tell a story. Use a large font and make sure the number of words in each slide are not too many. You can add images to slides to help create an emotional attachment.


BE THE FOCUS OF YOUR PITCH: Your presentation should not replace you but support and reinforce your key messages.


READ YOUR PITCH TO SOMEONE ELSE BEFORE PRESENTATION: Have a mentor or colleague listen to your pitch deck and take note of any questions or concern they have.


ENSURE YOU INCLUDE A CTA: A strong pitch deck must have a call-to-action at the end. It’s at this particular point where you ask the investors what you want, how much you want, and what you want to do with it. Never make the mistake of assuming the investors know what you want.


MAKE YOUR DESIGN LOOK PLEASANT: A poorly designed slide deck can easily overshadow a strong message. You should avoid rushing through the design process and always collaborate with design professionals. Show the deck to trusted colleagues and friends  and ask for their opinion.


MAKE SURE YOU ADDRESS THE RISKS: Investors know every investment comes with risks. As a startup entrepreneur, it’s your job to present those risks and your plan to minimize them. This will be viewed as a positive to potential investors as this will show your ability to plan ahead. Be honest in telling the story of what you face.


INCLUDE COMPETITION: As a startup entrepreneur, it’s highly unlikely that you have no competition from your peers in whatever business you want to start. Include who you are up against in your pitch deck. Take this opportunity to set yourself apart and show why you are better than the rest.


Always write your pitch deck with three perspectives in mind: entrepreneur, investor, and the end-consumer. These three angles help investors fund startups with genuine market appeal.

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