How to Add Existing Users to a Group

  1. First create the group by navigating to the Users/Roles tab and select "Groups" in the drop down.
  2. In the upper right hand corner, select "Add Group" and a new window will open.
  3. First name the group.  Other admins will be able to see the group name, but users will not see their group name or know if they are a part of any groups.
  4. Click Submit to create the group and then navigate to the Users/Roles tab and click on Users.
  5. Select the open box on the far left for any users that you would like to add to your group.  After you have selected the users, click on the "Bulk Actions" button in the top right corner and select "Add Users to Group."
  6. A box will open prompting you to select which Group you would like to add them to. Select the Group you would like and click "Add to Group"


*Additional Notes:

If you would like to edit or manage your groups, they can be edited under Groups page by clicking on the pen icon on the far right.

You can also delete groups by clicking on the trash icon. Any users that are deleted from the account will also be deleted from their groups.

Once Groups are created, you can use them to filter activity both on the audit log and on cards found on the dashboard.


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