How to create a room archive: 

1. To create an archive, you must be an administrator.

* If you are not an administrator, you will need to ask an administrator (the person who invited you to the site) to take these steps.

2. Click on the 'Settings' tab.

3. There is a button at the bottom of the Settings tab for 'Create Room Archive.'

4. When you click the button, you will be required to create a password for this encrypted archive. Create a password and confirm the password by typing it a second time. Then click the 'Create' button.

* You will be required to remember this password in order to open the archive once downloaded. Do not lose this password, as we cannot provide it to you should you forget it and the data room archive will be useless without it.

5. Once the archive is prepared, you will receive an email with directions to download the archive. This may take some time, depending on the volume of documents in the room.

6. In the archive email, click the 'download' link and the archive will download to your computer as a zip file.

* If you are not logged into SecureDocs, you will be prompted to login. Once logged in, click on the 'Settings' tab, scroll down to the completed archive, and click on the archive link. The download should begin.

7. Once the download completes, double click on the zip file and enter the password. The file should unzip and the contents of the room will be available.

* If you are unable to open the zip file, it may be due to the restraints of your operating system. See 'Opening downloaded zip files' for help.

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