How to Favorite and Unfavorite Files and Folders:

  • On the Sidebar, the star designates an area that can contain any files or folders that you would like to add to your "Favorites."  Favorites are a personal setting and will not be applied globally across the account.
  • To add a favorite, click the actions menu next to that item and select "Favorite."
  • This will add a star to that item and add it in a list of "Favorites" in the sidebar.
  • If you would like to choose multiple items, select the box next to each item, click the top actions menu and select "Add to Favorites."
  • To remove items from your favorites you can use the "Actions" menu next to the item, or click the "X" next to that item in your "Favorites" list on the Sidebar.
  • You can also rearrange the items displayed in favorites using the "Grabber" icon.


Add/Remove Favorites

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